unter http://test.openusability.org/UCCASS/survey.php?sid=43 findet ihr eine erhebung des oxygen-projekts, das für das icon-set bzw. für die optik des neuen unix desktops kde 4 zuständig ist. wenn ihr 15 minuten zeit habt, klickt euch rein
Welcome to our Icon Survey!
OpenUsability aims at making Open Source Software more usable. In this survey, we are evaluating a new set of icons to be used in a desktop environment. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes of your time. We will
* ask a few questions about yourself, to gather statistical data,
* present various icons, and ask what meaning you connect with them. Please spontaneously choose the icons that you think fit best.
projektseite von oxygen: http://www.oxygen-icons.org/
lg ben