hat irgendwer eine ahnung was mit dem inode spamfilter los ist?
in der letzten zeit kommt ja so ziehmlich alles mit X-Inode-SpamScore: 0.0 durch.
hier ein beispiel:
- Code: Alles auswählen
From: "Hattie Ballard" <[email protected]>
Subject: New product! Cialis soft tabs.
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 16:25:52 +0600
X-Inode-Scanner: clean
X-Inode-SpamScore: 0.0
We have a new product that we offer to you, C_I_A_L_I_S soft tabs,
Cialis Soft Tabs is the new impotence treatment drug that everyone is talking
about.Soft Tabs acts up to 36 hours, compare this to only two or three hours
of Viagra action! The active ingredient is Tadalafil, same as in brand Cialis.
Simply disolve half a pill under your tongue, 10 min before sex, for the best
erections you've ever had!
Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).
You can get it at: http://999-best.com/soft/
da sind die viagra dinger ja nicht mal versteckt drin.
kann von inode bitte mal wer nachschauen was da los ist.